Save costs despite difficult market price developments?
Price increases, wage adjustments, inflation – the market for portfolio holders could hardly be more difficult to develop. One area in which there is often still potential for savings is lift management.
“We look after almost 500 elevator systems for a large portfolio holder from the banking and insurance sector. Thanks to our lift management, the group was able to save an average of 30 percent in costs. This shows: Especially in the current situation, professional support can ensure that at least further price increases are cushioned,“ says Tim Gunold, managing partner at HUNDT CONSULT.
HUNDT CONSULT relies on IIoT solutions, among other things, and uses the LIFT GUARDIAN to collect data about the customer's elevator systems. This is a box that collects all important elevator data and displays it in real time over the Internet without interfering with the elevator's control unit itself. „This data provides important insights for the operators,“ says Tim Gunold. “If, for example, we find that the elevator is making fewer trips than assumed, we can set the maintenance intervals lower. We can also identify an expensive replacement of components through timely, cost-effective repairs. Both save costs.”
The LIFT GUARDIAN can be retrofitted to any elevator car.