Your experts for lifts and escalators

HUNDT CONSULT advises, assists and accompanies you during the construction, modernisation and daily operation of lifts and escalators.

Telephone advice

phone+49 (40) 33 44 153 100


Managing 50,000 installations


analyses and reports per year


modernisations per year


qualified specialists


locations in DE, AT and NL

Lifts, escalators and your company:
everything running smoothly.

Reliable transport systems in buildings can present a company with several challenges: economically, technically, legally and logistically.

HUNDT CONSULT offers comprehensive consultation for the construction, modernisation and continuous operation of lift installations. On request, our team can also manage your lifts as part of our LIFT MANAGEMENT service.

We have the comprehensive expertise you need thanks to our decades of experience. Independent from manufacturers, using cutting-edge technology and as passionate now as we were on day one, we can summarise our promise to you in two words: it works.

Use our expertise. So you have more time for yours.

Market leader in Germany and Europe

Non-proprietary and independent

Active since 1973

50,000 digitalised installations

Comprehensive services

We cover all aspects of building transport systems

Our services cover the whole life cycle of lifts and escalators of every kind.

IIoT and data
Data-driven lifts are more reliable.
If you want to ascend, you need a professional plan.
Want a vertical Elbe Tunnel? We’ll be happy to advise you.
Do you meet the requirements of ProdSG, ÜAnlG and BetrSichV? With us, you will.
Use our expertise. So you have more time for yours.
We’ll inspect with AI to save you maintenance time and costs.
ESG check
Protecting the environment saves costs. This check shows how to fulfil ESG.
Leave infections and contaminants outside.

Satisfied clients

Our references

Investors, asset managers, property managers, facility managers and corporate real estate managers are required to actively manage their building transport systems, ensure system availability and optimise usage costs to increase the overall return and added value. 

HUNDT CONSULT knows and solves the industry- and site-specific problems. And with this knowledge, we have helped take many renowned clients from different areas – excuse the pun – straight to the top.


Your career with us

We’re growing, and that means we’re looking for employees to support us as soon as possible at our many locations: Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin, Leipzig, North Rhine-Westphalia, the Rhine-Main region and Munich.

Find jobs and apply