LIFT GUARDIAN – the “white box” for your lift system

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We monitor with AI
to save you maintenance.

By the time operation shuts down and a lift suddenly gives up the ghost, it has usually sent out a few warning signals. A door closes more slowly than usual, the lift rocks now and then or the voltage fluctuates slightly, imperceptibly…nothing too dramatic.
But it is precisely these unremarkable events that point towards bigger problems. To avoid them altogether, the lift needs to be monitored around the clock by a cost-effective “black box”.

For just these scenarios, we developed the LIFT GUARDIAN.
This “white box” makes the operation of your lift system completely transparent.

Request our LIFT GUARDIAN now

Mode of operation

How the LIFT GUARDIAN looks over your system

The LIFT GUARDIAN is installed without any interface on top of the cabin, regardless of lift manufacturer and the integrated components. Highly developed sensors constantly review the lift for irregularities. 

The data they collect is analysed by algorithms and AI and presented in a user-friendly dashboard in real time.


What makes the LIFT GUARDIAN worth it

The LIFT GUARDIAN aims to conduct predictive maintenance: it reduces downtime and costs while increasing user satisfaction. This makes our self-developed IIoT system your solution for usage-based maintenance.